The workshop is jointly organised by the European Commission and the Recovery and Resilience Facility Agency of the Greek Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with IOBE (Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research).
The workshop provides an excellent opportunity to take stock of progress made to date in implementing the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) following its adoption in July 2021. Greece’s RRP is funded through the NextGenerationEU, the EU’s recovery instrument to help repair the economic and social damage brought about by the coronavirus pandemic.
Greece received its first milestone-based instalment earlier this year following the successful completion of 15 milestones that covered reforms and investments in the areas of energy efficiency, electric mobility, waste management, labour market, taxation, business environment, healthcare, public transport, as well as Greece's audit and control system for the implementation of the RRP. The second milestone-based instalment was presented on 28 September and is currently undergoing assessment.
The workshop will also focus on measures that are ongoing or planned in the Greek RRP. The wide set of investments and reforms is expected to contribute to economic growth, while promoting a more inclusive and sustainable growth model. The measures presented in the Greek RRP are especially targeted at addressing the large investment gap that has held back growth in Greece in the previous decade, while also facilitating the green and digital transitions and the modernisation of the economy.
The workshop will have four sessions:
Information about previous years’ conferences on the European Semester and Greece, organized by the European Commission in collaboration with the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research – IOBE, are available here:
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