

This Roundtable Discussion is jointly organised by the European Commission, in collaboration with Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE).

The central theme and question is “Opportunities and challenges for Europe’s competitiveness: what’s next for Greece?”. The event aims to provide a platform for exchange of views among key stakeholders on the crucial issue of competitiveness and to highlight policy priorities, challenges and opportunities for Europe, while also focusing on Greece.

The recently published Draghi report (2024) and the 2024 Country Report for Greece serve as a basis for the discussion. Specific focus is given to the policy priorities for enhancing competitiveness in Europe and Greece (Roundtable 1), as well as to the challenges in view of the aim to strike a balance between decarbonization and affordable energy cost (Roundtable 2)..

The event is organized around three sessions:

  • Opening remarks by the Deputy Director General of DG ECFIN, Declan Costello, the Minister of State of the Hellenic Republic, Akis Skertsos and the Alternate Minister for National Economy and Finance of the Hellenic Republic, Nikos Papathanasis.
  • A discussion (Roundtable 1) on the competitiveness challenges faced by Europe and Greece amid a radically changing global environment, with representatives from the Greek authorities, the European Commission and the private sector economy.
  • A discussion (Roundtable 2) on decarbonization and affordable energy cost, with representatives from the European Commission, the industry, academia and other stakeholders.

Information about related events that took place in the previous years, including on the European Semester, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and Greece, organized by the European Commission, the RRF Agency (in 2022 and 2024), in collaboration with the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE), are available here:


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